Saturday, December 27, 2014

How Many More Days?

Gary went out to the barn to help me this morning.  I am still good for nothing.
Thank heavens Karen is there.
 The temperature was in the low 50s and the sun was actually out for awhile.
 This was my view....
 Phoebe and Gucci kept me company.  They know I feel lousy.
Jenny's cold lasted a week.  Yuck.  I have a few more days to go.
Night all.


  1. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. That view and those companions have just got to help it be a little better. Rest well. This too will pass.

  2. Did you give momma your cold lady, feel better. Mom is slobbering on us
    Lily & Edward

  3. Mine lasted a week and a half. Zippo energy. Hope you are back on your feet soon

  4. We had all kinds of foreign germs in residence over Christmas. Each visiting child brought his/her version of yuck. I went to the Vitamin shop and bought several immune boosters - knock on wood, they seemed to have worked!
    I hope tomorrow brings new strength and a fesh outlook on life!

  5. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Lori. You have great companions. Get well soon!


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