Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Here It Comes!

 B L U S T E R Y

 Such a boring time of the year for these sweet ponies...who wants to stand around in snow all day?  If they would only go in the indoor to catch a break.  I don't get it.

Chorus this morning.  Prior to rehearsal our barbershop group sang a couple of songs for us.

The snow really started coming down and I went out to tuck the girls in a little early.  About 5 inches had fallen by then.

 My car is now disappearing.
 Opted for a simple dinner.  Veggie cheesebungers, roasted potatoes and a salad with oranges and bananas.
Right now it is snowing like crazy and the road out front is totally covered.  Pretty slippery.
Hopefully tomorrow will be decent enough for me to go play bridge.
Night all.


  1. And the snow falls . . . here we have rain . . . would prefer snow. . . stay warm xx

  2. Oh boy maybe you will get to use the new snow blower. I am looking for the sunshine here, to many days of no sun. :-(

  3. Oh I am jealous of that snow! Our weather has been too mild lately. Makes heating the salon a nightmare. Freezing in the morning and an inferno by 2PM. Not to mention a very muddy Barbie! I'm surprised even the Floridian girls will tolerate this!

  4. Snowing and windy here too. Got a few inches. I'm always amazed the herd won't go stand in the sheds and prefer to stay outside in the snow eating hay. I think your snow blower will come in handy sooner than later.

  5. Be careful in that snow! Just rain here; lots of it.

  6. All of our pastures have huge run-in sheds. If it is 70 and sunny we will see horses in them. If it is 45 and raining every single shed is empty. I just don't get it!


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