Friday, December 19, 2014

Back in the 20s.....

 Cold with lots of deep ruts.  At least the mud is going away.
 The girls still like to go out in the pasture for some frozen green stuff.
 Gary and I went to Agape for a short workout before the repairman came to check on the washing machine (which won't be fixed until Monday...but that's ok, it just needs a new belt).
 So, this afternoon was a repeat of yesterday.  I picked up where I left off with my book , sat by the fire and then took a nap with Phoebe, Gucci and Sidney.
 When I went out to do evening chores there was a deer herd beyond the first hedge row.  They must be looking for leftover soy beans.
 Tucked the girls in, got the grain ready for tomorrow morning,

 and headed back to the house with no intention of making dinner.
 Grabbed a few shots in the dark on the way.

 This is our Christmas tree.  It's in the middle of our kitchen table!
Of course we have twinkie lights all over the place (inside and out).  Keepin' it simple.
Night all.


  1. Did I mention I do so like the new header, then I saw Gary's name below!!! Love it. Snow,slush, and the tree, that is my size too. Take care, keep warm, today we have had 30C, way too hot to be in the garden... Jean

  2. Love the wee xmas tree and 'keeping it simple'! xx

  3. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.


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