Monday, December 22, 2014

At Last, A Very Beautiful Day!

Started off the morning looking at messages written by ghost "writers" in the sky.

 Coolish at first, but hit 41 this evening.

 Had to hang around the house after chores, waiting for the repairman to replace the belt in our washing machine.  Nice to have it back in working order.
 Sent out a few more Christmas cards...
 got my hair cut....
and ended the afternoon at Agape.
 Tucked the girls in at 5.  The warmest part of the day.

 Dinner was simple and delish.  Sloppy Joes, roasted potatoes and a carrot/apple/grape salad.
With all the fires we have been having, I hope our wood supply lasts through the winter.

Phoebe and her friend DJ look like Christmas.
 These two shots were taken at a local elementary school where they were therapy dogs.
(In a reading program with 3 other pups)
Are you getting in your Holiday groove?  Here we are in snow country and it may hit 55 tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful skies! The pups look so adorable and sweet. I'm sure they were well appreciated for their company.

  2. Sunshine today and tomorrow -- then we're back to rain. Figures. Sunshine on the days I have to work. What's with that noise?


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