Wednesday, December 24, 2014

And To All A Good Night!

We had some rain last night and it was mild enough this morning to take the blankets off the girls.
Once again they were fed in the indoor, until it stopped sprinkling.

 Then it was time to hit the pasture.  Why does it get so darn muddy at the gates?
 The sky made an attempt to look blue, but it disappeared.
 Does this look like Christmas Eve?
 Seeing that it was at least 55 degrees, Gary decided to do some work on the house.  There must have been a bird's nest above this area, as from top to bottom it had been blasted with bird crap.  With the aid of a huge brush and some hot water, it was all removed.  Thank you very much!
 I set the table for dinner and made Swedish meatballs and rice pudding this afternoon.
 When I went out to do evening chores the sky was very strange.

 There was a yellow glow hitting the horses and barns.

 We have high wind warnings for tonight....60mph +.

For the past decade or so we have had huge numbers of people over for Christmas Eve....25-40.  This year we decided it was time to be quiet and took a rest.
Started off with just a few goodies.  
Greek olives, rice crackers, port wine cheese log, apricots and almonds.

 There were just 10 of us for a very low key dinner.
Gary grilled ham out on the back shirt sleeves.  If you have never grilled ham, try it with a brown sugar and mustard sauce.   You will LOVE it.
Right now it's 10:30 and the temperature is 53...sure hope we don't get some bad weather.  This is weird.

 We had grilled ham, Swedish meatballs, scalloped potatoes, rice pudding, 
a green salad and pickled beets.
 For dessert....lemon pie and
 Christmas cookies made by Finn and Coop.
 In the Swedish tradition, we opened presents before Jen, Scott and the boys went home.

 A very sweet and mellow night.
 Now it's very quiet and we have a huge stack of dishes waiting.... It will take some doing to get the energy to wash them (we have never had a dishwasher...just Gary).
This is a perfect time to be with friends and family.  Peace.
Night all.


  1. Merry Christmas! Heavy rain and cold here tonight.

  2. If I had ten people show up for dinner, it would be a huge event. If 30-40 showed up, I'd have to go hide in the woods:)

    Merry Christmas!

  3. tomorrow, may that red sky herald in some fine weather. Ham, just like how I did ours, but in the oven, yummy, a very quiet day here, the three of us together, plus Felicity and Ginger Boy who called in for his Christmas breakfast and a pat or two. Greetings to you both from Jean, Joyce and Hugh.

  4. How wonderful! Our night was very quiet. Just us and the farm animals.

  5. Been a nice quiet Christmas day - lovely weather - bright blue sky ALL day. One old friend (in her nineties) to lunch. Family get-together tomorrow - we're both looking forward to it.
    Warm regards to you both - Mike and Ann.


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