Monday, November 10, 2014

You Just Never Know....

Wow!  What a gorgeous morning!

No sheets on the girls.

At 1pm I went down to The Center.
 Around 80 people showed up for the SSAI meeting.
 Normally there are only 8-10 in attendance.
 Our committee has put in hundreds of hours to keep this place open and we have developed a large support system.
 Much to our surprise, many changes were introduced and we were caught off guard as we were not kept in the loop by the Town.  So disappointed.
 It sure was a deflating experience for me and many others.
 Tomorrow is another day and maybe my perspective will improve.
 I have been working with some very passionate and community minded people for months.
They want all the best and have worked very hard.
 I guess I will have to wait and see how things unfold.

Home around 3:30 and went out for chores at 5.
Here are some of the apples we picked yesterday.
(that's a 55 gallon drum)

I was so preoccupied with the day, forgot that we were going out to dinner and I was in charge of making a salad.  Fortunately Gary reminded me.
Arrived at the Klein's at 6:30.

 Put my salads together when we got there.
 Always enjoy these monthly (gourmet) dinners.
 Mixed greens, onion, pickled beets, oranges, caramelized walnuts and crumbly blue.

 Mashed potatoes, gravy, pork, corn, applesauce, artichokes, crusty bread...
 and a vanilla custard pie with a blueberry topping.
 The last rose of summer was still in bloom next to their front porch.
 Night all.


  1. Lovely morning skies, super meal, but the last rose, that's my pick of your day, Jean. p.s. keep wrapped up well, as I read a Polar Vortex is coming down over almost all US soon.

  2. Another new day comes soon... things will fall back into place.

  3. Beautiful pictures as usual.

    It sees like a disappointing day for everyone who has worked so hard. Hopefully, everything will turn out in your favor.

  4. How sad for your committee to have worked hard, only to be blind-sided at the meeting. I'm glad you had a nice meal with friends to end your day on a happy note.

  5. I am so crabby about what they keep trying to do to you all. Hopefully 80 people gave them a wake up!

    Everything else lookin' good though :-D.

  6. Oh no! As I was reading about the great turnout, I was thinking "Good!". And then I got to the part about big changes and not being kept in the loop. Oh no. I hope it all turns out okay.

    So jealous that it's warm there. Our high today was 10. Tomorrow will be colder.

  7. You had beautiful weather and we had overcast cool skies.


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