Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Just Far Enough Away From Buffalo

 These two photos were posted on FB by friends of mine.  Above, is Jody's sister in Buffalo (about 50 miles from here) and the  shot below was taken near Batavia (20 miles from here). 
 We got off easy.

 With the wind chill it was 3 degrees...on went the heavy Rambos.

 Class at 10:30.  Obviously, it was too cold for the studio and we have now moved to the dining room for the duration.

 Today Lais brought along her son Djuna, who is visiting from New York.  I have known him since he was just a kid...now he is a designer and master tailor for Levis.  So talented.

 I have been posting photos of the projects Lais has been working on.  She is using packaging for some fancy health drink and turns them in to all kinds of things.  Today Djuna joined in.
He got an earful hanging out with us, as we listened to Rod Stewart and Ricki Lee Jones.

 I worked on The Center business this afternoon, sat in front of a fire and had no desire to get in the car and run errands.

Chores a little early.  I felt sorry for the girls...it was so darn windy all day.  Hopefully they spent much of it in the indoor eating hay.
Breakfast for dinner....a nice hot shower and ready to get back to the fire.
Night all.


  1. Snow galore, looks like a huge dump elsewhere, I see more in Northern Ontario too. Lovely winter coats for the girls. stay warm, Jean.

  2. OHHHH! wow!
    That was some storm!

    Looks like quite the mess.

    Our chill seems gone now, it is up to 15 degrees going to 20! Heat wave today.

    :) We had breakfast for supper last night also, it was great.

  3. Oh My! that is some Snow not that far from you. Rambo's time in your area though with it being so cold...brrrr! Our daughter just bought a new Rambo for her horse, and it was reduced more than half the original price!!...she was so pleased.

  4. Oh My! that is some Snow not far from you.

  5. So glad the storm missed you guys! My horses weren't happy when I put the blankets on them last night, but this morning, they seemed pretty content and warm in the freezing temps. And how crazy that next week it's supposed to go back up to 60!!

  6. I'm so glad it missed us. All though i know it's coming. The snow blower is ready for the driveway and lawn paths for my Pug to potty.

  7. Glad that storm missed you. It looks awful. I have some cousins in Buffalo, wonder how they're coping.

    We had some snow at the farm a few days ago but it melted already. Not too bad here it's about 27. Thank goodness the wind has stopped.

    Looks like wonderful projects your class is creating.

  8. Was wondering how you all had fared! Holy moly that was a lot of snow and sounds like more on the way?

  9. That handsome boy liked being with all the ladies. Boy it looks freezing out there
    Lily & Edward


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