Monday, November 24, 2014

Did You Say 70 Degrees?

Starting at 6:30, when it was 60 degrees.

 By 7:15...more color.

 Happy blankets again.

 Every day that is sunny could be my last to pick the pastures before it freezes again.

 Could not pass up going on a trike spite of the strong wind.
 After all, by then it was in the mid-60s.
Hung a right out of the driveway.
 When I took the first left it looked like the rain was going to get me.
 When I rode past Barb's, wanted to get a shot of Grace and King Mustafa but too many trees were in the way.

 Ahhhhh yes!  The sun returned.

 There's no such thing as a shoulder on these back roads.
 This is the home stretch.

 Went down to The Center for a volunteer meeting at 1.
 This has turned into a very major project and after 4 months I am running out of gas.
 Gary got home from painting by 3:30, not feeling very well.  It had just rained and the sky was amazing.
 Many of my friends posted pictures of double rainbows and I was not even tuned in.

 Very grey by 5 when I went out to tuck the girls in.
 Now which one has the muddy butt?

 3 guesses.  She's not getting groomed until tomorrow morning when it dries up.
 Made dinner, but Gary was not well enough to eat.  (In bed before 6:30)
Grilled ham, acorn squash and a spinach/grape/pear/apple salad.
Night all.


  1. Feel better, Gary. Can't believe you are all melted off. Some gorgeous suns!

  2. You were warmer than us today! Started at 32 and went up to 60, briefly. It was back down to 41 when I got home from work at 6pm. Abbe and Jackson -- what a mud loving pair they are!

  3. It is always a waiting game isn't it Lori. Waiting for the weather and see where it is going to take us. Looks like it is going to be warm again today but snow is coming. Take care. Hug B

  4. Your weather is almost as crazy as ours!
    I love the windmill in the morning light - how pretty!
    Believe it or not, I have been missing poop pick-up duty. I need to go visit a friend and volunteer to help her with her pasture! There is something so satisfying about getting every little pile picked up! Have a good day!

  5. Hope Gary feels better soon. Beautiful pictures. We got up to 65 yesterday but it's supposed to snow tomorrow.

  6. I hope Gary is all better by the time you read this.
    Beautiful light!
    Of course it's Abbe's muddy backside. I expected much more mud from her!


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