Thursday, November 6, 2014

Did I Need This????

 A very grey, blah morning.  The weather forecast was not looking good, but we fed the horses out anyway.

 By 11 it was pouring and I went out to put them in the barn.  Abbe and Berlin went in their stalls while Angel and Maggie wanted to mess around.  They ran all over the place and did a fine job

 digging up the outdoor arena.  It took me 20 minutes to get them in the barn!  Next time I'm closing the door and they can hang out under the overhang.
 Left at 2:30 for ANOTHER meeting about The Center.  I am totally meetinged out.
Fortunately Karen turned the girls out a little after three...they would have gone nuts being in their stalls until tomorrow morning.

Tucked them in around 5:30.
It wouldn't be right if Abbe stayed clean for 10 minutes.
 No time to make a decent dinner, so we had paninis.
Genoa salami, swiss cheese and roasted red peppers.
 Time to back my butt up to the fire and start reading.
Night all.


  1. Abbe cracks me up!
    Those Florida girls have a lot of energy.

    Lakota's class is around 9am ky time. He had a warmup class today in the outdoor arena. Jan said it was windy and cold and he had a major mistake, but he got a 65% - 3rd place. Whew. We were nervous about how the local appy boy would stack up against the big guns.

  2. Oh kids are like that they never come in when they are having fun. Hug B

  3. Why is it horses play up just when you want to keep things simple. Our daughter's pony (Connemara X, 13.2hh) has had a gungy eye for about 6 weeks, it's been swabbed, no infection, but still keeps weeping and looking like conjunctivitis. Drops administered, drops changed for stronger, still weeping. Then finally one of the vets said she thought it could be a bit like humans get with a blocked tear horses it runs out the nose, but blocked it builds up. The vet used a fine tube up the nose (horse sedated) to clear both ..sure enough one side was worse and definitely blocked. All clear now and having meds for a week, here's hoping the problem is sorted at last. Thought you would be interested to hear about this.....ann :-)

  4. Why is it horses play up just when you want to keep things simple. Our daughter's pony (Connemara X, 13.2hh) has had a gungy eye for about 6 weeks, it's been swabbed, no infection, but still keeps weeping and looking like conjunctivitis. Drops administered, drops changed for stronger, still weeping. Then finally one of the vets said she thought it could be a bit like humans get with a blocked tear horses it runs out the nose, but blocked it builds up. The vet used a fine tube up the nose (horse sedated) to clear both ..sure enough one side was worse and definitely blocked. All clear now and having meds for a week, here's hoping the problem is sorted at last. Thought you would be interested to hear about this.....ann :-)


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