Wednesday, October 22, 2014


 How long is this grey, wet, windy, cold weather going to last?

 Tom and Carol decided to relax at the farm while Gary and I went to chorus.
 After lunch Gary went down to Jen's to meet Finn and Coop, and I took our guests for a little tour around Brockport.  When we got back to the house I started working on dinner.  German potato salad, sweet and sour red cabbage, knockwurst, smoked bratwurst and pumpernickel bread.

 When everything was almost ready, I went out to do chores.  The paddock is a muddy mess.

 Dinner was delish.
Night all.  Pretend I'm on a temporary vacation.


  1. Those muddy things! Tabby cats are so so beautiful, I love their markings.

  2. Brett would hate that dinner (sausages, cabbage and onions in the tater salad) but I'm half German and I would LOVE it! I miss that kind of food -- never cook it myself anymore and hard to find in restaurants around here. I used to make brats when the kids were home and Brett was at work. And my mom made a mean German potato salad. Sigh.

  3. Enjoy your mini vacation. I hope we all get some sun soon. Windy and rainy here too.

  4. That dinner is a worthy meal for any German!! My mom used to make meals like that, as her ancestry was what she called Swiss-German. The family lived near the border of both countries, I guess. Looks delicious, with one tiny addition...spicy mustard to dip the sausages in. Yum!!


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