Monday, October 27, 2014

It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This....

What a gorgeous day!
 How's that for a mysterious sunrise?

 Only 37 degrees.

 Gary finished planting garlic in the north garden.  I was over there picking spinach and raspberries after chores.  We also still have rhubarb, beets and leeks.
 There's a brush pick up this week so I started moving debris.  Quit after 5 loads.
 Hopefully Gary will do the rest tomorrow.

 By 9:30 it started warming up and I took this video of the girls coming in to have their sheets taken off.... At first it would not load because the file was too big.  I had to google the process for trimming.  So much to learn.  I'm the eternal rookie.

 Seymour came in the house with me and proceeded to barf all over the kitchen floor.  In the middle of it was a disgusting tape worm, so I was off to the animal hospital to get some wormer for all three cats.  Revolting......
 Picked up a few things at Weggies, home for lunch and then went for a trike ride.

 Rode for a little over an hour.  So heavenly on those back roads.

 Tucked the girls in around 6.  The sun is setting so much earlier.
 Chicken soup for dinner.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful pics. You have really got some gorgeous autumnal lighting in these pictures x

  2. Only you, Lori, can write about a tapeworm episode and make it sound so ladylike & classy... *i was aghast!* I would be gagging in an unladylike way lol I order from and worm the cats twice a year for tapeworm...if they eat the rodents, they pay the price...

    I have been sleeping in the woods in those lower temps - we have a contract with the USFS and we are working quite a bit before the snow blows...and so far its only been a one dog night ;p anyhow now i am home for a week..

    and thanks to your brief comment of "more info please", im working on a post about ranger and his DNA that we had is in the works, Ma'am!


  3. Autumn Sure looks gorgeous in your neck of the woods. A trike ride through country roads sounds like a perfect thing to do on a sunny afternoon.

  4. Beautiful pictures as always. The tapeworm sounds nasty. Hope he's better soon.

  5. Laura Lee....I do not have google+ and can't leave comments on your blog. Thank you for your visits and comments. Do you have an email address?

  6. Rhubarb pie!! Mmmmmmm
    Lily & Edward

  7. What a beautiful Fall you're having!
    We had a brief spit of snow yesterday, but bounced back to the 50s today.


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