Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Hay Day

 Our red sky this morning was nice long enough

 for us to get our last hay delivery.

 205 bales of 2nd cutting grass.

 I love having a years worth of hay in the loft.  The place is jammed.

 After chores Karen and I picked flowers and veggies for her to take to her new apartment.
Romaine, spinach, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, tomatoes, banana peppers, beets and onions.

 Gary had duty at the Welcome Center from 12-2:30 and I went down to the village to get more signatures on our petitions (Senior Center).  Met Sally at Java.

The Lions Club was over at the Farm Market giving away free hot dogs, chips and drinks.
 Once again I ran into one of my old students (8th grade).   They are everywhere.
 When I got home I spent some time organizing my info for the workshop meeting with the Town Board (Tuesday night).  We are still getting great coverage from the media.
They also published my letter to the Editor.  This whole process has been very interesting.

It rained on and off all afternoon so the girls were tucked in early again.  Karen put sheets on Angel and Maggie.

 Simple dinner.
 Sloppy Joes, corn and a carrot/apple/craisin salad.  Perfect for this very cold and damp day.
Night all.


  1. A full hay barn (or in our case two hay barns) is the best feeling in the world for a horse person. Your hay looks lovely!

  2. Look at all that bounty still at your place! And I love that newest banner photo -- such youth and joy there. xx

  3. There's nothing like a barn full of hay. It looks like nice stuff and nice big bales too.

    I love your header shot, what fun.

  4. ... and that hay and that smell. Terrific!

  5. Glorious sky shots.


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