Saturday, September 20, 2014


Did we ever have a perfectly gorgeous day.
Saint Tim and thecrazysheeplady were up early and left for the Fiber Festival before I went out to do chores.
 Tilly joined Gucci, Phoebe, Karen and me in the barn....totally comfortable.  She is the sweetest girl you could ask for.

 I finally managed to fit in a trike ride.  Rode past the Gingerbread Manor
 where I will be leading a drumming circle tonight.
 Took a new route today....headed East on Reed Road
 and turned left onto Root Rd.  Lots of cornfields all over the place.

 Got back home and worked on my opening statements for the meeting on Wednesday.  Will also be sending out reminders to as many people as possible.  Need a humungo crowd.

Made a big pot of vegetarian chili (sweet and sour) and picked a basket of tomatoes and peppers for Jenny.  Tomorrow she is going to use all that to make her version of chili.

Gary worked for Arjuna.  They had to deliver flowers to 5 different weddings.  Tim went fishing on Hemlock Lake and Sara taught two classes at her event.  I was home most of the time.
By late afternoon the sun was lighting up the house.  I should have taken more photos.

 Karen and I were the only ones eating dinner tonight.  Made some Jasmine Rice and topped it with the chili.  Also had a side of pickled cucumbers that I made yesterday.  She did chores while I showered.
 Got down to Gingerbread Manor by 7:30 and
 was all set to work with her guests.
They were quick studies and we had a great time.
First time I ever did that.
Night all.


  1. Love the sunshine filled shots of the room interiors. They look so inviting!

  2. What an action packed day, from start to end, lovely sunshiny lit photos too, Cheers,Jean

  3. Sounds like a great day -- and oh, that beautiful light in your beautiful home! xx

  4. Oops -not sure if I got that message thru: beautiful day, beautiful light, beautiful home! xx

  5. Dear Lori, you have a lovely home--at least the two photographs of the living room and the library are so inviting and as you say, filled with light.

    I'm wondering if you got your "humungo crowd" this past Wednesday?

    On a scale of 1 to 10 with regard to daily activity, you are, I think, an 8 and I'm a 2!!!!! Peace.

  6. Looks, and sounds, like a perfect day. Did you video your drumming group?


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