Monday, September 29, 2014

One Thing At A Time

 I guess you are going to have to put up with these beautiful morning shots a little longer.  We are on a roll in this neck of the woods.

 As per usual, I spent much of the morning working on Saving the Senior Center.  We are getting a lot of signatures on our petitions, and a local online news magazine (The Brockporter) collected over 100 in the past 48 hours. The most remarkable part, is the comments people are leaving.  All of them get sent to the Supervisor and Town Board and I hope they are being read.  We've had 4 spots on different newscasts and the word is spreading.  So grateful for the outstanding committee along with the community interest and compassion.

Had a 2:30 meeting down at Alicia's.  Not again!!!!  Our first grant for a mural bombed and we are going for another.  I can't spend a lot of time on something else.

 Made a couple stops in the village before coming home.  Fall has fell.  Look at those trees.

 Leftovers for dinner with a new salad.  Mango, bananas and raspberries.

 Chores a little before 7.

It sure is getting dark earlier.

Night all.


  1. With all the exposure, they'll have to listen!
    Great fall colors on your trees.

  2. LOVE that 'downtown fall' image.
    YOU go girl!

  3. That falling fall that fell is beautiful. I love the blurry horse pic also.

  4. Good for you. They better save that center. It's so important
    Lily & Edward


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