Saturday, September 13, 2014

Back to Drumming...

This morning it was raining and the horses were a pain in the butt.  Maggie kept wanting to herd the other three and mine kept getting stuck out in the paddock instead of under the shed roof.
Ended up putting 6 piles of hay in the indoor.  It was about 43 degrees when I woke up.
 Abbe did her wet and then rolled.  She looked lovely all day.

 Did a few things around the house and went to drumming at 1.
 It felt good.
Khalid is teaching us many new things this year and spent some of the time working with the bass drummers.  Loved the sound when they got in their groove.

On the way home I stopped at Renaissance Equestrian Center to pick up some eggs.  Of course I had to tour the barn and see all 17 horses.
This is Dawn...she started her business many years ago and studied with the same person I took classical dressage lessons from.  Not only did she work with Linda (LeGrand), who spent many summers in Portugal working with Nuno Olievera, she also had the opportunity to take lessons with Battina Drummond (who also studied with Nuno).  I remained a back yard rider and Dawn has become an excellent instructor and trainer.
 She is very good at saving horses from the track and retraining them for riding...both standardbreds and thoroughbreds.
 Her students love working with her.

 After catching up, I got my eggs and went home.
 Another chilly night comin' up.
 The girls were ready to get tucked in.

 As soon as they got in their stalls I had to scrape the dried sand off Abbe.

 Dinner was delicious.
 Leftover coleslaw, potato salad...
 sliced tomatoes just picked from the garden...
 and grilled ham.
Tomorrow morning we are supposed to have a wagon load of 2nd cutting delivered.  I hope the weather cooperates.
Night all.

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