Monday, August 11, 2014

Walnut Hill...

The largest carriage driving competition in the world takes place at Walnut Hill Farm, about 40 minutes from here.  It is a very elegant event, as you will see in these photographs. 

As soon as I parked the car, up drove this gentleman in a golf cart to drive us over to the entrance.
 Brenda, Tina and Sandy (all horse buddies) are good company.
 Ten bucks to get in....

 The grounds were more beautiful than ever.


This is the judge...loved her hat.

 There were dogs everywhere....beautiful dogs.

 And flowers.

 Of course Brenda, Tina and I had our cameras out the entire time.

 There were many boutiques set up with all kinds of gorgeous and expensive items.  I especially loved the paintings that were done on furniture by this artist.

 Lunch break...
 Brenda picked up some Walnut Hill sunglasses.

 This is part of the cross country course.

A perfect place to wear your hat.

 Several photographers had displays. 

 500 pictures later....we were outathere.

 The Sheriff's horses were among the most beautiful.
 Next year I am doing my photo-shoot on Sunday when they drive through the park...hopefully Tina, Brenda and Sandy will like that idea.


  1. Oh yes! Loving it! Thanks, Lori. Some year I'll see this in person. And I agree - love the police horses!

  2. My old stomping grounds!
    Maybe some day I can go to Walnut Hill to watch - it would be so much fun!

  3. We have one of these each year here in Wi.
    34th Annual Villa Louis Carriage Classic - September 5-7, 2014

    I've not gone to it but it is quite lovely!


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