Saturday, August 2, 2014

Follow Me Around...

First of all, you don't really think Jenny bought a nice red Caddy do you?
I was just belongs to her boss and she had just driven it in a parade.
 Now, for today's news.

 After chores I went for my first trike ride.
 Crossed the street and went down a couple of country roads.

 Very little traffic and a beautiful morning.  There are no gears, but this trike is a piece of cake to pedal.  Also has a hand brake.  Perfect for me and my knee is doing very well with it.
 Only went about 4 miles, but will increase that each day.  Put my camera, phone and a bottle of water in my basket...I'm going to love that.
 Back home for about half an hour, then we went down to "the Garden of Eden" to pick some blueberries.
 Friends invited us to indulge.
 What a property!

 From there we went to the Welcome Center
 to hook up with our friends....Sandy, Jeff and Hatch.
The Manatee is back in town.
 Sandy (the art teacher) was showing me some of her books and student work.  Gave me a gazillion ideas.
 Here, we were looking at different things you can do with watercolors.

 It was getting pretty hot out by then, and we asked then to come up to the farm for the afternoon.

 On  the way home we stopped at Weggies to grab a couple chicken salad subs and ate here.
Then Sandy and I went out to the Studio and shared some ideas.
This is one project I would love to try next Tuesday.
 Color mixing 101....
 These next four pieces are examples of Sandy's work.
 I love everything she does...what an inspiration.

 Gary and Jeff hung out with us for awhile, then we picked them some onions to go with the veggies we brought them earlier, and Gary drove them back to their boat.  A fun afternoon.  We could talk art for hours....Sandy and me.
 I made an attempt to read and fell asleep.  Gary woke me up and said it was 6:21 and I thought he meant tomorrow morning.  Go figure.
The sky got very dark so I went out to tuck the girls in.
 They must have felt the storm coming and were in the front paddock....waiting for me.
 It's a good thing I took my umbrella, as it was pouring when I went back to the house.
 Night all.
What did you do today?


  1. So glad you bought the bike!
    What a beautiful property.

  2. Today, I didn't do anything like what you seem to cram into the hours, super flower header, biking, that must be a treat for you and the knee, and friends from the Manatee, I find it so hard to wonder at, have you boat in the canal, stop off at the Welcome Centre, meet friends, then leave it there safely!! What a blessing in the world as it is today. Cheers, Jean

  3. What I should be doing today is the books. I shall soon have my accountant reminding me that they've got to be in by the end of the month. Oh well, thanks for reminding . I'd better get on with them.

  4. Another full and eventful day for you! How fun to have a bike to ride and feel the fresh breeze!! I hope today has been just as enjoyable!


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