Monday, August 4, 2014


 This is going to be short and sweet.

 After chores I went for a trike ride and hope to do this everyday when it is not raining.
 Country roads....take me home....
 Spent a little time picking things in the garden.  Tomorrow, I must grate a lot of this zucchini so I can freeze it....zucchini bread will taste great this winter.  Tomorrow night Jenny and the boys are coming for dinner and I will serve sauce and meatballs guessed it.  Zuke pasta.
 More peppers for Gary to slice up and freeze...and we will have to pick green beans and snow peas in the morning.
 This is our back porch off the kitchen.  First time we planted morning glories here and have yet to see a blossom....
 After lunch I mowed and mowed and mowed.  This was the view from the path that goes around the pastures.  I'm tellin' you, this rain is making things grow very quickly.
 Met Jeff and Sandy for dinner, then drove Sandy up to Weggies for some groceries.  Their kids will be joining them soon and they want to be stocked up before they get here.
 Got home in time to feed the girls and tuck them in for the night.
 (Sometimes I like fuzzy).

 It's starting to get dark earlier.
Night all.


  1. MMMMMM Zuke Bread!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  2. I can already see freezer bags full!! And darker earlier, is your summer coming to the last chapter of its life? Here we have cool mornings, but really warm days already, and not as much snow as any skier would like. Cheers,Jean.

  3. Glad the trike is working out. Everything looks great and I know it's going to be delicious.


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