Monday, July 7, 2014

They Are All Hams....

 It was pouring this morning.
 The Lindstrom family was up and at 'em getting ready for a visit to The Museum Of Play in Rochester.

 Gary had to do a few things in the village and picked up Ariana and Daniela from Jenny's on the way back to the farm.  While I vegged, he pulled garlic.  I don't know if it was the humidity or what, but I could not keep my lids open.

 Whenever the girls are visiting they need their fix of Buffalo wings.  Tonight THEY treated US down at the Stoneyard.

 From there, we went a few doors down and Scott treated everyone to an ice cream cone.  No way could I eat one...must be the only person on earth who can resist ice cream...plenty full from dinner.

 Do we have a fun family or what?

Needed a walk after that and went over to the Welcome Center to check out the boats.

This one was a real attention getter!  Huge...stunning inside and out...
 and from New Zealand!  We stopped and spoke to them...they were on a 2 year cruise.

The owners of the boat behind them were on board.  The Charles A.  was also a beauty and
their dog was holding down the fort.

 We took a short breather before going home so I could do chores.

 When you come to Brockport, this is a great spot to relax and enjoy the view.
 Just as we got home, Brenda and Al pulled in the driveway right before us.  They needed some hay to tide them over, so I gave them a couple bales.  Anything for our ponies!
Break time!
Now if we can just find a movie to watch.
Night all.


  1. Wow, from NZ down under and visiting in your canal, superb. I'm sure they will so enjoy every moment.Hi, "Astral Sky "family, you have just met some very special people. Cheers to all, Jean.

  2. Send some of that pouring rain our direction please!

  3. What great family shots! I just love your garden cart! More photos please : )


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