Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dryin' Out

 Check out the pond.  Should not be there tomorrow.

 After chores I had a very busy morning.  Picked a ton of flowers from our gardens
 to take over to our friend Louise.
 Also grabbed a mango smoothie for her at Wegmans .

 Took a few shots at the Welcome Center on my way over to Sally's.
 Lots of activity today.
 Frequently long distance bikers camp out on the grounds.
After checking out Pam's new apartment house, we went over to Java for lunch.
Yep, I had a Greek Panini and forgot to get out my camera.
 When we finished, there were even more boats coming in to port.

 Planned on going over to mow the lawn at Apple Creek Farm,  but when it started to pour, decided to go back to the farm.  Half an hour later the sun came out and I mowed our lawn.

At 5:30 I had a surprise visit from Theresa G., her daughter and nieces.  She and our oldest daughter have been good friends since High School and has been visiting family and friends in the area. 
 Pretty sweet that she took the time to stop in.

 Jen, Finn and Coop got back home from Las Vegas at 2am.  She was pretty tired this morning and had to go to work... Gary spent the day with the boys.  When he got home we had leftover lasagna that I had put in the freezer.  So handy.
 Actually found some strawberries and wild blackberries today.  Thought they were all gone.
 Gary had a meeting and I went out to do chores.

Ladies in waiting.

 By 8pm the water was just about gone.  It did not take as long as I thought it would.
 Pretty chilly this evening, but beautiful.
 The clematis blossoms are kicking in again.
 And the sunflowers have been around for a long time.
 Queen Ann's Lace is everywhere.  I have to remember to show you a project we are going to do in class with pressed flowers.
Time for a nap or bed or something.
Night all.


  1. I should have written this days ago, superb new header photo, and today, as always, lovely gardens and girls enjoying the outside, even if a bit wet. Cheers,Jean.

  2. Nice to have visitors drop in and share your world. Oh it keeps raining here and it is cool I do hope summer comes back. HUG B

  3. The flowers are so pretty, It looks humid there. It's actually been muggy here which is unusual
    Lily & Edward


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