Saturday, July 12, 2014

Down On The Boardwalk

Last night in Atlantic City.

After resting up this morning they were back on the beach.

 Lawrence Cooper of Arabia....

 Makes life on the farm look pretty quiet.

 Gary worked non stop today
 and finished pulling out the garlic....all 1600 heads are now out of the ground.
 More blackberries for breakfast on top of some yogurt and granola.
 Sally came up and we picked her some spinach, then got a basket ready for Pat N. (who is a friend and cuts my hair).   Brought her Rhubarb, beets, spinach and garlic when I went down for my 12:30 appointment.  On the way home I stopped at Nativity and picked up 2 chicken dinners...yep, dinner for lunch.  Turned it into dinner for three and invited Karen to join us.
 A real foodie day.  I finally made the rhubarb pie.
 Watched a movie this afternoon and went out to feed the girls at 7:15.

 Gary was still hanging the rest of the garlic.

 Our dinner (at 8) was a salad...period.  Spinach every single day.

Night all.


  1. A foodie and fun day for sure -- My kinda day!! :-)!

  2. Garlic galore, and looking at those beach photos, I wonder how my life was at that age, no travel, maybe a holiday with a cousin, at her home a few hours away, then working on the farm, but I never thought it dull for a moment. These days it would be so ordinary indeed, Gary, you have worked a marathon to get that garlic dug and hung out to dry. Cheers, Jean

  3. Wow... your garden produces so much. Mine isn't doing so well this year. We had the the most rain June in 100+ years. I'd love it if you'd share your rhubarb pie recipe. That's one thing I do have lots of.

  4. Wow... your garden produces so much. Mine isn't doing so well this year. We had the the most rain June in 100+ years. I'd love it if you'd share your rhubarb pie recipe. That's one thing I do have lots of.

  5. Looks like the gang is having fun.

    That's a lot of garlic! Bet there will be lots of delicious meals made with it.

  6. I'll pass on work today.
    I WANT some beach life!

  7. I wanna be a Skoog kid!
    Look at all that garlic!


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