Thursday, June 12, 2014

So What's New?

Well, it poured last night, everything is growing like crazy, chores as usual, went to the post office, played bridge, picked strawberries, tucked in the girls and had a veggie dinner.

 These pictures are for Tony...I hope you are checking in.
He used to live in this house, where I played bridge today.
I can still see him stirring his spectacular sauce at the stove when we went there for dinner.
 This is Terry.  She was our hostess and my partner today....we came in third.

 This place is like a resort!

 I think there will be strawberry shortcake in our near future.
 Out at 7 to tuck in the sweet girls.
 I remembered to remove their masks before taking pictures tonight.

 The tomato plants have doubled in size in about 3 days.

 See what I mean about the strawberries?

 I love putting my bean salad on greens...also had veggie burgers with cheese and yellow peppers.
Night All!

PS - I sent my little Cannon point and shoot to repairland.  Hopefully they can unstick it.


  1. Love that pool!
    Again, you've made my kind of dinner.

  2. Beautiful home, look at the front porch with canopy and chairs, and inside beckons us all. Your veges , like triffids with massive growth, hope you can keep up with all that produce. Cheers, Jean

  3. Beautiful house. Love the kitchen and porch.

    Guess all this rain is good for the plants and veggies. Looks like you'll have a bumper crop of everything.


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