Thursday, June 5, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Today was coolish, but beautiful off and on.

 After chores I grabbed a little tack and brought it up to the back porch so I can start on some spring cleaning.  Never got to it.  Tomorrow....
 Checked out the strawberries to see where we are in the growing process...they are getting larger each day.  We must have 300 plants and I can't wait to start picking them.

 Currently, the iris are in full bloom...
 so are the wild yellow roses.
And lots of sticky weeds.  I spent some time pulling them out of several flower gardens.

 Got a call from Jenny about 12:30 as Cooper needed to be picked up at school.  He was not feeling well, so I popped down to get him.  When we got back to the farm he discovered a box of stamps and could not wait to start working with them.  These are his practice sheets.  He ended up making a beautiful birthday card for his Mom, but I can't post it until after June 16th.

Playing with these stamps became infectious so I made a few cards and added watercolors.  Primitive, but fun.

Gary came home with three large blueberry plants...a special request from Jenny.
 We also have 12 raspberry bushes and if they produce like last year I plan to fill our freezer.

 Almost everything is planted (except for corn, cabbage, broccoli, acorn squash, carrots and a couple more tomato plants) so now the serious weeding will begin.  This afternoon Gary worked on getting his 500 onions in shape.

 Cooper left by 3:30 and I took it easy until chore time.

 Tucked the girls in and grabbed a shower before we drove to Batavia for dinner. 
 The sky was full of clouds and the light was changing.

I had a "Groupon" coupon for the Center Street Smokehouse so we thought we would use it.  Do you have these where you live?  Different services are advertised on FB and you can get great deals for half price if you pay in advance.  For $12 we got $25 toward our dinner.

It is a BBQ joint known for ribs and pulled pork.
 They restored an old warehouse and it can handle a LOT of people.
 The meals and service were great and we brought some food home.

By the time we left, the sun was setting and I did my best to grab some shots through the car window (which is not my favorite way to take pictures).

Home a little after 9 and ready to crash.
Night all.


  1. I think from the photos and words, your garden is huge. Last year we had about 100 strawberry plants, lots less have been put in, last month, from the good runners. Normally we have enough in fruit and veges to buy very little, maybe onions and kumara, this winter may need to get more locally. Lovely evening skies. Cheers, Jean.

  2. Cooper's stamps are awesome. You are so busy my dear. Take care and have a restful weekend. Great shots. Hug B

  3. I love your cards. I am thinking you enjoyed your quiet time with Cooper. Jenny certainly is lucky to have you there to help in a pinch like that. And Cooper is lucky to have such a great place to go to when life isn't wonderful!

  4. Great drawings!!! Let us loose and we will take care of those strawberries
    Lily & Edward

  5. Dear Lori, today, as usual, upon completing the reading of your post I sighed deeply. Somehow you always leave me with a sense of well-being and contentment. I think I've told you this before but it bears repeating.

    As to those stamps. I'm wondering if you buy them from some company on-line. They are so creative--the cards you made were lovely but even the pages done by Cooper were so cheerful. Please let me know how I might get hold of some stamps like these. Do they come so many to a box or will I need to order them individually????? Peace.

  6. Our garden is planted too. This year it is a two family effort which ought to be interesting.
    We shared seeds, ideas, and the work.

    The wild berries are in blossom so in a few weeks I'll be picking wild berries to fill our freezer!

  7. Wow what a garden! What little bit of garden I managed to get going this year got stripped by hail last night.
    Coop inherited that art gene, I think.
    That sunset was spectacular.


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