Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Saga Continues

This morning it was raining...just like the weatherman said it would.

 Class at 10.  Gucci and Phoebe slept through the whole thing.

 Today Sandy came back so Tina was not alone!

 It stopped raining, so I went out to put the masks on the horses after they left.
 When Angel saw me coming she walked around the fence and waited for me to put it on.

 They sure don't like those gnats.

After lunch I went out to do a couple of errands.  When I got home, Scott and another guy were back to work on our plugged up drainage line.
 It's all set from the crawl space under the kitchen to the outside.  Gary just finished filling up the hole with rocks and cement.  Next, they ran a snake from there under the driveway, to where Gary had dug out the connection last night.  They took it apart and all that crapola came out.  The only thing that goes in here is from the kitchen sink...period.  Isn't it lovely?  After that, they snaked 13 more feet and it was really jammed up.  They have to come back again so they can somehow open up the last 15 feet where there is a collection tank.  This has turned into one ginormous project.  And it stinks!  This house was built in 1823 and we have lived here for the past 34 years.  I think we had to deal with this once before, a long time ago.
It was so beautiful out tonight...lots of wind...I called the girls in for grain....

 and put them back out.

Made dinner, nothing fancy.  The corn on the cob was delicious.
 and the coleslaw
 grilled chicken
 and fruit
 tasted pretty good too.
 That's a wrap.
Night all.


  1. The drain project looks like a nightmare. Good luck with it.

    Love the pups on the chairs. Position in life is everything!

  2. Plumbers, electrician and dentists, all very expensive. You'll be so glad when all is fixed. The masks, do they have gaps for their eyes? Here we had a glorious day, warm and sunny. Cheers,Jean.

  3. Those pups are living the good life. I tried the Cashel fly masks on my girls, but they ripped them to shreds. Are they working ok for you? That's a perfect summer dinner. I want to come live in your world, Lori, it always looks so delicious and fun!

  4. Those pups are living the good life. I tried the Cashel fly masks on my girls, but they ripped them to shreds. Are they working ok for you? That's a perfect summer dinner. I want to come live in your world, Lori, it always looks so delicious and fun!

  5. What a gorgeous header!!!
    Sorry your home improvement project turned into a giant headache.


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