Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We Need A Full Time Gardner!

 Another dramatic sunrise.
 New blossoms are appearing in all the gardens...the tulips have started to disappear and the daffs are gone.

 I think you know my morning drill by now.
 Berlin did not leave the barn until I finished chores.  She has been very clingy lately.

 I sure hope I am through mowing for a few days...the lawn tractor and I are out of gas.
 Tina had another private lesson this morning.  Jean is on leave, Donna is in Philly with a broken arm, Lais is in Brazil and I don't know what Joanne is up to.  I never know who is going to be in class.
Spent the afternoon doing very little....sort of.  Made spaghetti sauce with meatballs for tomorrow night's dinner (with Jenny, Scott and the boys)...Barb came over to get her last pick up truck full of hay...Gary went down to watch Finn and Coop...and I tried to take a nap.  When I got up I felt groggy...hate that feeling.

 Put the girls in for their grain and thought it was going to rain...but it didn't.
 Went upstairs to sweep up the floor and this is the view out back.  It turned into a pretty decent evening.

 Moved the second cutting over near the chute to the downstairs so I could count how many bales I have left.  About 26.  Also have 25 bales of first...it was crimped and my horses don't like it all that much.  The way things are growing, it looks like they will be cutting hay in June.
 Decided to put the girls back out.

 By then, Gary was planting tomatoes.  Soon, I am going to take a picture of each of our gardens...veggie and flower...so you can see that this is turning into a full time job.
 Last summer we had to have a huge English walnut tree cut down in the yard behind our kitchen, as it was on it's way out and could have destroyed the joint if it came down.  Now we have a yard full of sunshine and have to reconfigure it.  Left the stump there and will eventually top it with a big bird bath.

 Dinner was a piece of cake.
 A salad with apples, craisins and pears with the leftover cauliflower casserole.  It was even better!
 The sky was changing, and there was a little thunder and lightning, so the girls got tucked in.
Indeed....they are very spoiled.
Night all.


  1. I love a cloudy sunrise and yours is spectacular indeed!

  2. Always busy days by you. Beautiful skies!


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