Friday, May 23, 2014

The Scottish Story Teller

The usual start to the day.

 I picked up Helen at Glen Darach Farm a little after 2, and the first thing we did when we got back to the farm was to make (another) rhubarb pie.

 While it was baking we played on the computer for awhile.  For the past two years I have taken pictures of Helen and her sister Andrea.  We messed around with photoshop.

Started getting things together for dinner...set the table etc..
 Started a fire as it was chilly in the house....
 then we plunked ourselves down and watched a movie.
 By then, the pie was done.
 Had just enough time to go out and tuck the girls in.

 I was just getting out of the shower when Sally and Judy arrived.

 We dug out an old Atlas to see where Helen lives.
 Then we feasted.

Here is a dish that I just love.  Underneath that pile of hardboiled eggs, tomatoes and crumbly blue is a pile of asparagus that I blanched and marinated in a good homemade Italian dressing.  Bet you never had that before...
 Judy brought a salad with apples, pears and craisins.
 (Organic multi-grain rolls.)
 Sally's contribution was corn on the cob and it was the sweetest I have ever eaten.
 Gary had grill duty...boneless pork chops.

 I think I am rhubarbed out.

 When we were finished, Helen told us one of her stories.  (She is a story teller in Scotland).
(Sorry it's so dark).  She is very good at was like having dinner theatre!

Of course the food put me into sleep mode.  I am so tired!
It's always fun when Helen is around.
Night all.


  1. You are right, I've never had anything like that asparagus dish. It looks and sounds delish! Brett finished the last piece of rhubarb pie tonight -- made it two weekends in a row. The rhubarb from you is nice and red (do you know what variety it is?) while the rhubarb I bought at the local nursery is green. You had a fire going? We have all the windows open, desperately trying to get the house to cool down.

  2. Well, that was a good teaser. Now I want to hear the rest of the story! I do love stories.

  3. What a feast!
    Looks like the girls came in with no problem tonight.

  4. Just discovered that our rhubarb is (suddenly) ready for . . . pie making. Honestly, it grew from nothing to ready in about 10 days. Weird. xx


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