Friday, May 30, 2014

Boy, Do We Need A Plumber...

Perfect weather today.  Low 70s, low humidity.

 This was the day for us to have a reverse osmosis system installed.  The guy arrived a little early and got busy.  Then the _ _ _ _ hit the fan.  For every gallon of water that is processed there will be 2 or 3 gallons of waste that will go down the drain (we did not realize this).  Well duh!  Our sink drain is still not working properly so the waste was building up in the sink.
 Of course Gary was thrilled when he got home and started digging out the pipe
 that runs out from the house.  Underneath the kitchen is a crawl space with a lovely dirt floor.  The plumber is coming Monday and this pipe will need to be replaced...won't that be fun?  I'll bet Brett from Oak Creek would have some recommendations!  He can fix anything!  So now, the contractor will come back and make sure everything is fine so we can start drinking our water (which we have not done for over 30 years).  The well situation around here is not all that great for anyone.  We all go down to the Town Garage and fill up gallon jugs (we also run that through a Brita).  The good news is that we have the best quality water in our sulphur and not too many minerals.

 Spent the afternoon getting things ready for JazzFestWest, which is taking place tomorrow.
We have had a pretty good response and the weather is lookin' good.

Dinner before chores tonight.  Made a salad (into using chives instead of onions)
 toasted some bread
 and had leftover pasta from the other night.
 Gary has continued planting in the garden.  Tonight it was dill and potatoes.

 The girls got tucked in around 7 and that is going to become their regular time.  When I turn them back out after graining them, they end up standing in the indoor.  Might as well have the comfort of their stalls (studio apartments) and no bugs.

 (I like the light in this shot of Abbe)

 As I turned off the lights in the barn, I looked up and the ceiling looked pinky-red.  Was it a reflection of Berlin's feeder or what?

 The light was coming in from her windows (no glass in the summer).
 That's it for now.
 Night all.


  1. Oh, no! What a mess. I didn't realize there was waste water with the RO filter.
    I like the shot of Abbe with her head in the window.
    Thanks for reminding me about using chives in salads. I have several clumps (all getting larger each year) and forget to take advantage of them.
    I hope your beautiful weather holds.

  2. When my kitchen in South Africa was refurbished last June, the builders removed my RO (we were here in Tz). When I returned in February I forgot to mention it to our plumber/builder friend. In May he suggested I replace this with a table-top filter (Brita, I suppose). Will do this when we go out in August! Your animal shots are always SO restful. Hope you're having a great weekend. Greetings Jo

  3. When my kitchen in South Africa was refurbished last June, the builders removed my RO (we were here in Tz). When I returned in February I forgot to mention it to our plumber/builder friend. In May he suggested I replace this with a table-top filter (Brita, I suppose). Will do this when we go out in August! Your animal shots are always SO restful. Hope you're having a great weekend. Greetings Jo

  4. Wow, I didn't know that about the waste water. I thought it just went through the filters and membranes and came out it's own cute little spigot. I've never seen any evidence of waste water. Had I known, I would have told you when I recommended the R/O. Sorry! It will all be worth it : )

  5. Holy Moly! But everything else is looking good :-).

  6. Yikes. I hope it gets fixed today!!!

    The place is looking great. Love that shiny butt.

  7. Sounds like a real pain but it will be worth it in the end. Keep smiling ;)

    Love the picture of her looking in the window. They're so nosy sometimes but so cute.

  8. Wow I'm shocked at the amount of waste water. Can it be directed to the garden rather than just let it run down the drain?
    PS loving the new header photo


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