Friday, April 18, 2014

Nap Time

Steph and the girls were up and at um before 6am.  We were too.
 It was very cold, but the sunrise was a perfect send-off.

 By 6:20 the car was packed and they were headed toward Queens.

 As usual, we had a great time and hope that Ariana and Daniela will be able to spend some time at the farm this summer.
 Karen and I did chores a little earlier than usual.
 Brisk and windy, but it warmed up pretty fast.

 Our first daffodils made an appearance.

 I had to pick up a couple of things at Wegmans and after that I was zonked for the afternoon.  Actually took a hot shower and went back to bed for awhile.

Chores at 6:30.  The temperature had dropped and it was sprinkling.
 Got the girls tucked in just at the right time.
 I was aching for a simple dinner, so we had breakfast.  Perfect.
 A quiet time is in my future.

Night all.


  1. You must be exhausted. That's a long drive for you, there and back.

    Love breakfast for dinner sometimes.

  2. Beautiful Lori , that sky is just so beautiful.

  3. Hi Lori, beautiful photos. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day and a Happy Easter. Hugs, Chris

  4. Sorry, but I have to smile, since when do you ever have a quiet time?? Retirement, that is a misnomer in a huge way. Cooling off down here, lots cooler down south on the farm, about 3Celsius in the mornings now. Easter greetings to all, Jean.

  5. Love your new header photo. And I'm glad to see it looks like Spring has finally arrived.


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