Sunday, April 20, 2014

My Kind of Weather

I'd say we reached the mid 60s today.  Bright, very little wind and perfect for working outside.

 After chores Karen and I spent some time in the pasture with the horses, trimming up trees and getting rid of vines.  Also picked everything in sight, so now we are really in good shape.

 Gary spent a lot of time in the gardens and we continued to load up the brush pile for the pick up.  Still have more to go.

 Bad enough the kitchen sink is not draining properly, now the washing machine is probably shot.  When it got to the spin cycle, the water just kept pouring in until we closed the shut off valves.
It's a good thing we are caught up on our laundry as we have to start shopping around tomorrow.
 Went out to do chores around 6:30.  As usual it was one of the most beautiful parts of the day.
 As the outdoor arena is in good shape, I've got a call in to have both rings rototilled.  If that doesn't motivate me, nothing will.

 Got the girls tucked in by 7.
Gary uncovered the grill and barbequed some chicken for dinner.  'tis the season.
 Dinner was delish.
Night all.


  1. A per fetch day
    Hoppy Easter
    Lily & Edward

  2. We had similar weather here today and so glad for it! I am sure you are enjoying yours!

  3. Looks like a great day except for the washing machine.
    Happy Easter!

  4. Another full day for you, and aside from your washer, it sounds like a pretty good and productive one that ended on a good note!

  5. I'm glad you finally got some nice weather. It was beautiful here as well.

  6. Oh no, I have such a fear of my trusty washing machine packing up here in Tz. I hope you find a good one soon. I love the sunny weather. Greetings. Jo

  7. Lovely shots of the horses.


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