Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Just Like The Other One

It rained off and on all day.  Getting saturated.

 Chorus rehearsal and a performance today.

 Tucked the girls in a little early as it was still raining.

 At 6:30 I drove down to the college for a photoshoot.

 Sankofa had their dress rehearsal and they allow me to take photographs.
I took about 250 shots and did not get very many that I like.  Hopefully the videos turned out.
Clyde is the artistic director.
 My friend Stan (drumming) was there along with several other photographers.
 When I arrived they were warming up.
 This will be a unique show, as this year the Rochester Oratorio Society collaborated with African drummers and dancers.
 Needless to say, I was in awe of the drumming....
 and Khalid.
 I hope you got your tickets!  All of the performances are usually sold out.
Night all.


  1. Oh, my, those are muddy (happy) horses! How many inches of rain do you get in a year?

  2. You are such a great publicity rep. for the arts in your area! And oh, the rain, rain, rain. I think you've been sending it here. Enuf! xx

  3. Rained here too. I think we got about 5 inches. Love the mud and so do the horses.

    I bet the drumming was amazing.

  4. Abbe's going to love rolling after all that rain.

  5. It looks like you've had your share of rain, maybe it's time for a sundance and you can send those rain clouds over to us. We might have had snow yesterday but it was only a short shower and we could do with some more precipitation :)


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