Thursday, April 10, 2014

Four Littlel Piggies....

At last!  It reached 74 degrees today and right now (9:30pm) it is still 65.

This morning was pretty chilly, but by 8:30 the horses were naked (not before Abbe and Berlin rolled in the mud and got their sheets filthy).

This was duplicate bridge day.
 Helen was my partner and we came in first!

 Got home around 4:30 and went right outside with my camera.  Our first flowers (all two of them) were in bloom.  Time to celebrate!

 Believe it or not, the outdoor arena is drying out.  Between my ditches, the sun and the just might happen.

 I worked on the driveway for a couple hours today.
 Gary finished up the last pile of stones when he got home.  This was his first day to work at Sara's.
 Phoebe and Gucci are still clean.  I think the lack of mud and puddles is going to help.

Karen did chores tonight and Sally treated Judy, Gary and me to dinner out at The Tavern 19.

 They have a new wood fired pizza oven and we wanted to try it out.
The owners were happy to answer all of our questions and even gave us samples of the pizza sauce.
This oven is set at 1000 degrees and it only takes 2 1/2 minutes for a 16 inch pizza.

 We all had salads with the house dressing (homemade balsamic with crumbly blue).
 The pizza...vegetarian delight and was loaded with onions, mushrooms, spinach, artichokes, sundried tomatoes and olives.  Positively off the charts!
 When they make it, the mozzarella cheese is put directly on the dough with an Asiago blend on the top.
 We got one dessert just to see what it was like.  A ginormous piece of carrot cake and 4 forks.
 The pizza was so good, Sally ordered one to take home to freeze it....uummmmm.  Many good lunches in her future.

 Got some flowers and other things ready for the opening tomorrow night.
Don't forget to stop in at A Different Path Gallery if you are in the neighborhood!
Night all.


  1. Love the first flower! Should be more popping up soon. We only got to 60 but I'll take it. No flowers here yet.

    Looks like great pizza too.

  2. Spring flowers and a traffic cone, do you know, we have the same ones down here. Next thing, you'll have traffic lights for the girls as they leave their stalls. that driveway looks so good. Cheers, Jean.

  3. Well now spring has finally found those of you on the other side of the lake:) yeah. That pizza looks good. Hug B


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