Wednesday, April 16, 2014


 I woke up at 6am today.  The sun was rising and the moon was still high in the western sky.

 There was still a little snow on the ground and it was in the low 20s.  Too cold.

 Steph and the crew were here for part of the day.

 They played cards for awhile then went out to lunch.
 In spite of the crazy weather, the daffodils are starting to grow.
 I was relaxing in the kitchen with both dogs on my lap when the phone rang around 1:20.  One of the Wednesday bridge players did not show up and they needed someone asap.  I was still in my barn clothes and did not have time to change, but decided to go.
What would you bid Sally?
Home a little after 4 and did evening chores at 5:45.

 Got the girls tucked in by 6 so I could grab a shower and make a salad for our monthly dinner with Brenda, Al, Ron and Ann.

Tootsie Louise was waiting for us at the back door.
 Our hostess was sporting her new lips.

 Another excellent meal with good pals.

 Brenda brought out three of Al's carvings that were just in a big show.  All were gorgeous.
 Dessert was butterscotch pudding with bourbon and meringue.
Steph and Jen have all the kids tonight.  We are crashing.
Night all.

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