Sunday, April 27, 2014

By This Afternoon The Sun Arrived....

 Another grey start to the day.

 We did a lot of pasture picking after chores.

 I went to Wegmans and when I came out the sun had appeared big time.
 A storybook sky.
 Gary started planting onions....
 and the rhubarb is really coming on.

 Finnegan was watching us from across the street.
 As usual, the warmest and brightest part of the day was late afternoon and early evening.

 Had leftovers for dinner, then went out to tuck the girls in.

Night all.


  1. Those blue skies are beautiful!

  2. The horses look great and a warm afternoon sounds like heaven. We're a bit chilled here but we are supposed to warm up to 80 by mid-week. I'm ready.

  3. Oh that is a picture-book sky. And as always I love the wander through your farm and home. Have a wonderful day. Jo

  4. Hmmm.... our day did just the opposite!
    Your afternoon skies look simply delightful!


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