Monday, April 7, 2014

Back To Square One

Not too bad this morning but the temperature was going to drop and then more rain.  So the girls wore their sheets.

There were many deer out in the back 40.

 Remember how the outdoor arena looked yesterday?
I dug out two little ditches and a lot of the water was gone this morning.

 My spoiled girls have feather beds for stalls.
 Why not? 

 At 12:30 I met 6 friends down at Java for lunch.  Our friend Kendra was in town and I have not seen her since she moved to N.H.
She is part of the reason I started teaching art at home and was kind enough to bring one of her paintings here for the art show.  It's a beauty.

All of our lunches were delish and it was good to spend time with friends.

 This is my favorite sandwich in the whole wide world.  A Greek Pannini.

 It was pouring when we left.  Fortunately the girls were smart enough to hang out in the indoor arena.

 They got tucked in early so they would not get drenched.
Sidney was not too thrilled with my umbrella.
 An instant replay for dinner.
 Can't wait to get back to the fire.
Night all.


  1. I've never had a Greek panini but I love Greek salad. Spending time with girlfriends is the best.

  2. I haven't seen water like that in years. Since we moved west I have a better appreciation for the wet stuff. I could almost smell your fresh, clean stalls! Mmmmm!

  3. The stalls look very comfy cozy.

    Love a good panini too! So nice to see old friends and catch up. Pretty painting.

  4. April showers bring may flowers?
    I know!
    We have enjoyed two wonderful days here and looks like today will also be a winner.
    Rain is forecast for the weekend and I think we may actually need it.

    I found 2 crocuses yesterday!


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