Tuesday, April 22, 2014

And The Rains Came

Off and on all day.
 After chores I moved a little more brush....
 and had just enough time to grab a shower before class.
 I love being back out in the Studio....the little heater made it very cozy.

 I went down to the village a little before 1.  They have started filling up the canal.
 Had a meeting at the Village Hall where we judged a poster contest.
 We are about to have a celebration (2nd year) called Low Bridge High Water.
 In the 4th grade (in this neck of the woods) all the children study the Erie Canal.  They have an opportunity to enter a poster contest and the winner not only gets a cash prize, their entry is used for advertising.  Above you can see what was selected last year.

Here are some of the examples we judged today.

 Got home and tried out my bike, which has now been made stationary so I can ride it in the house.  Prior to this time, my right knee (had a replacement) would not let me ride and I am finally able to get over the hump.  I figure if I do this for awhile I can get back on the road.
 Put the wet and muddy horses in the barn a little early.

 Did not make dinner as we were going to a town board meeting tonight.  Stopped at the Golden Eagle on the way.

Tonight it was all about assessment.  Things are definitely inequitable in the Town of Sweden.

This issue is very important to us and many others, as the room was packed.  Several years ago I fought the town and ended up in court where the town lost.  I really did my homework, did not hire an attorney and won.  Our assessor's ears must have been burning tonight as around 15 people had a lot to say about the way he has been handling his position (without grace).

That's about it for today....except for one more thing.  See this beautiful glass bottle?  Thecrazysheeplady and Saint Tim brought it to us filled with some very smooth Kentucky Bourbon.  Now that it is gone (Gary has shared it with some of our very special pals) it has been recycled and holds our extra virgin olive oil.  Love it!
  Is it not beautious?
Night all.


  1. I have fond memories of learning about the Erie Canal and NY history in 4th grade.

  2. In my Southern California fifth grade glass, Mr. Hilliard would lead us through our weekly round of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, and an even more rousing rendition of The Erie Canal. I sing along now with Bruce Springteen's version on his Irish Concert album.
    Great Header Lori!

  3. Dear Lori, that olive-oil-filled bottle is, indeed, beauteous, but then you create beauty all around you--from photographs and art and words.

    As to the poster contest, the 2nd one you displayed won my vote.

    May today be filled with as many possibilities for growth in the human spirit as yesterday was. Peace.

  4. Love those student posters . . . And wonder how difficult it is to turn a regular bike into a stationary one. . . I'm studying the pic . . .

  5. Love your olive oil :-D. Those posters were fabulous!!!


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