Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Stills Challenge - Barns in Black and White

These shots were taken this morning when I went out to do chores.
The two gambrel roofed barns were built over 100 years ago.

To see shots by other people, click on Sunday Stills in my sidebar.


  1. I also envy your gambrel barns they are simply gorgeous ~ as are the black and white photos of them.

  2. The barns look very historical in the black and white photos. Almost as if they would be in a book showcasing barns from the past. Beautiful.

  3. Dear Lori, I hope your daughter indeed has a happy birthday filled with gratitude for you and her dad and your philosophical way of looking at all of life.

    Thank you for the black and white barn photographs. I don't know why but somehow black and white photos seem more evocative to me. They bring back so many memories. Like the barn in which the horses Maude and Memphis lived when I was growing up out in the country. Peace.

  4. there's nothing like a big old barn. Nice shots Lori.


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