Saturday, March 1, 2014


Lots of pictures today.
What a sunrise!  And we nearly hit 40 degrees.

 So nice not to have cold hands.

 Karen had a hay delivery today. 
 Fred came out to help and it was unloaded in no time.
 He had a chance to meet the horses.

 The feed room is jammed to the rafters.
 Gary spent the entire day at a workshop and I cruised.  Made some red lentil soup and watched movies in front of the fire.

 It was a lazy afternoon....

Chores at 5:30.  A week from tomorrow it will be light until 7:30 and I won't believe it!

 Last night and tonight Maggie wanted to roll before going in for the night.

 About the leftovers.  Tonight we had leftover lomain and leftover pork loin (stuffed with apricots, prunes, craisins and apple) along with another spinach salad made by Gary.
 We also had leftover cheesecake with big fat berries on top.  (Thank you Brenda).

Speaking of Brenda, not only can she make amazing desserts!!!!! she is an outstanding watercolorist.
I just have to share some examples of her recent work.

I've shown you her work before and some of it will be on display in April when we have a show at A Different Path Gallery in Brockport.  She was one of my students many years ago and has gone to the moon!  Very proud!

Night all!


  1. Love her pictures and that cheesecake doesn't look bad either! Glad you finally had a warmer day.

  2. Warmer, not sure, but in our Celsius, that is still mighty cold!! Super leftovers and stunning watercolours. Cheers to you both , Jean.


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