Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'll Take It...

Yep.  We still have snow, but it did not snow!!!!  This was a multi post day for sure.  Black and white shots of barns, Stephanie's birthday and now this.
Here's today's flower.
 Next on the agenda...photographs of Lake Ontario taken yesterday by Jennifer.  I think they are spectacular!!!  Looks like another planet.

 This morning we were back to another gorgeous sunrise.

 Karen and I both managed to get out to the barn at the right time.
 Pretty chilly, but not enough to freeze my hands.

 It was bright outside and inside.
 Today was Stephanie's probably already figured that out from my other post.
 When she and Jen were kids, I was all for "dog ears."

Back in the house, my little buddies were sacked out .

 Did a little shopping at Wegmans....ran into Judy and she joined Sally and me for lunch at Java.  A very pleasant time with good food and conversation.

 Got very ambitious this afternoon and made a huge batch of corn chowder, which we will have for dinner tomorrow night. 
Then I started on tonight's dinner.  Bazmati rice...
 2 boneless pork chops sliced in half, breaded, fried and topped with homemade honey mustard and caramelized onions. 
 a salad with apples and craisins....
 uuuummmmmmmm.  So good.
 The horses have not figured out daylight savings time yet, so we ate before chores.

Tucked them in and I am ready to hit the couch.
Night all.


  1. I wondered how the animals react to the time change . . . assume they (and you) gradually readjust. . . xx

  2. Another stunning sunrise! In my world there is nothing better than being out caring for the critters while watching a gorgeous sunrise.

  3. The frozen planet for sure, and is that flower a paeony? daylight saving, we change over later every year, 6th April this year. When I was working it took me ages to adjust, now it doesn't matter much, I wake at the same time all year round, But animals, I'm sure they do not realise it is changed, and want meals at whatever they are accustomed to. Lovely birthday girl, ours too had what we called " pigtails" and I did too!!! Cheers, Jean.

  4. The lake images sure are surreal. I love your sunrise especially the [warming?] rays on the barn! Delish looking supper. Have a great day. Jo xx PS I posted a bloom in the veld (bush) which had a fluttering sunbird nearby. Bonus for an avid birdwatcher!

  5. Happy Birthday Stephanie.
    Funny Lake Ontario looks the same on both sides:) Hug B

  6. Will you have ice jam problems this spring Lori?

    So happy you had a day of sunshine and warmth. xo

  7. Unbelievable pictures of the lake. Wow! Beautiful flower too.

    We're adjusting to the time change too. Had snow this morning for about an hour that didn't amount to much.


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