Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dedicated to all the people who are waiting for the sun to arrive.


  1. What a great idea for a dedication. I hope spring comes soon for all of you who have experienced such a long hard winter. Wish I could send you some CA sunshine.

  2. One of my favorite George Harrison songs. Add me to the list - it snowed overnight, the high today is 26 with wind chills in the single digits.

  3. Thanks! I loved George he was my favorite. Great song and timely too. I have that one on my iPod.

  4. Dear Lori, George Harrison was my favorite Beatle. Something about his gentleness I think. And this song is a favorite of mine because it helps me live with optimism and possibility. As to that pasta dish, you gave me an idea for what to serve to my company when they come to visit on Friday! Thank you! Peace.


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