Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Calm After The Storm....

It was very cold with a little wind....enough to make my hands freeze.
Yesterday morning you could hardly see the the sunrise was incredible.

 By last night we had a least a foot of snow, with another 3 or 4 inches when I went out this morning.  The blowing caused some pretty deep drifts.

 It's a good thing the sun was out...the horses eventually moved out back so they could feel a little heat.

 I had to go to Brockport to pay the taxes.  The streets were bare, but the snow was piled high next to the sidewalks.

 I can't tell you how great it is to not be shoveling or waiting for the painting to be done.  I actually watched a movie this afternoon.
 It looks like all three cats are going to be inside most of the time until spring.  Seymour loves to be in the sunny library.
 Chores a little after 5.

 Tucked the girls in and got back to the house around 6.

Dinner?  One of Saint Tim's favorite salads with oranges and bananas...

 and vegetarian chili (that I took out of the freezer).
 Rumor has it that another storm is on the way this weekend.  I'm thrilled.
Night all.


  1. Over a foot at the farm too. So thrilled about the weekend storm too.

    The skies are beautiful. Looks almost like sky writing in some of the pics. Good to take it easy and watch a movie for an afternoon. I read a book.

  2. Those drifts are beautiful aren't they?
    I know, the snow is too much but nature somehow makes it look so pretty.

    Your meal looks divine!

  3. Magical scenes from your place, those drifts, stunning morning sky, we have had 33.3 Celsius!!!Take care in those drifts, I'm sure any cat would be inside all day long, for our old girl, too hot to even be in the shade of the lupin bushes today. Cheers from Jean.

  4. Those shots of the snow are gorgeous. I wonder what those Florida babes are thinking about your winter weather.

  5. Ribbons in the sky!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    =^..^= <3

  6. I am sure you are like me snowbanks as high as the house beautiful but it can stop now:) Hug B

  7. Lori,
    Your sky shots are outstanding !!!

    Tom The Backroads Traveller


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