Friday, February 28, 2014

Random 5 Friday

This has been the longest winter in captivity, and I am on the bandwagon with most of the country to get it over with.

 1.  We have two very long driveways and a turnaround that we have never stopped shoveling.  Fortunately the snow has been light and fluffy, so we only had to have it plowed once.
 2.  Long underwear has been a must every single day.
 3.  The ponies have been outside all day, everyday except for 2 times when it was just too windy and the windchill was -25 or more.  They have a 60 foot shed roof, two run-ins and an indoor they can go in whenever they want but seldom choose to do so.  What they like (appreciate) is having a nice cozy stall to hang out in at night while they are chowing away.
4.  Two of the horses (Angle and Maggie/top two photos) moved up from Florida in September.  What an initiation to winter!
5. The two good things....lots of comfort food and sitting by the fire.

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  1. Oh poor Angel and Maggie what a welcome. I was sick of winter but the sun has been shining for two whole days and that always makes me forget about the rest. You are getting hammered over there I am secretly glad we live on this side of that lake:) Spring is coming. HUG B

  2. The Florida girls really did have quite an initiation to northern winters. They seem to be taking it in stride though.

    I think we're all ready for Spring and no more snow!

  3. Lori, when is there a birthday at your place? I saw on Google the other day a perfect gift for you or Gary. A remote controlled 6 wheel, lights, swivel camera, adjustable blade, snow plough. It really did a wonderful job. only $8000!!!Some have a 6 wheel drive, hydraulic ram for the blade, others have caterpillar tracks. I can see this being such fun. Cheers, Jean.

  4. I SO hear you Lori! I mostly like Winter but this one has pushed myself and most people I know way too far!
    I really enjoyed your photo story. Your horses are beautiful.

  5. Such familiar scenes! Your pics (and art at top!) are lovely despite the unlovable weather. I was shocked to find myself sweating in Europe as it was sooooo much warmer outside AND IN over there! We didn't exactly pack right, but we had much fun. Saw the Lippazaners too behind the scenes! Had a tease of sunshine upon return, but now it's back to single digits. I'm hibernating until I see peonies! I bet Weight Watchers is having a great year? ;-)
    Stay snug and THANK YOU for the very sweet comment!

  6. Everyone is so tired of winter. Ice is arriving for us Sunday. Do stay warm.

  7. What cool pictures of the horsies in the snow
    Lily & Edward

  8. Lori, the linky isn't working for me either which is rather embarrassing. I'm sorry you had trouble. Not sure what's going on with it.


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