Friday, February 14, 2014

Random 5 Friday

What has helped me to get through the outrageous winter we have had (so far).

1. Waking up to a beautiful sunrise.

2.  Knowing that I will do everything I can to keep the ponies well fed and comfortable, regardless of the temperature....


 not to mention all the extra shoveling (if only I could really shovel my butt off).

3.  Comfort Food tastes so good when I come in from the barn at night.

4.  Having friends over for dinner.....
(lots of friends!!!!), is my favorite form of entertainment and is always a real upper.

5.  Spending Saturday afternoons drumming....good for the soul and something very different from the everyday routine.

 Having a fire going every day makes it all much better.

To view other Random 5 posts, click on the logo at the top in my sidebar.


  1. Your days are always so eventful Lori -- sorry you are having issues with the linkup.

  2. PS -- I think I got your link added. :)

  3. i have been shoveling today. lots of work on the back & legs. your food looks so yummy. i love homemade pizza. happy <3 day!! ( :

  4. Oh yes this I understand it has been a winter that we will not soon forget and my cows, my comfort food my commitment to the animals and I wish I had drumming keep me going too.Friends and dinner sound wonderful wished I lived closer:) HUG B

  5. Very cool! Throw another log on the fire and stay warm and safe and dry! I love a good drum circle! Would love to start one up in my town this summer! It's truly good for the soul! Aloha

  6. Looks like you are finding great ways to pass the Winter. A drumming group that is great.

  7. So much snow, when will it end.
    You are great to take such good care of your horses and help to keep them as warm as possible.
    All that food looked so good. I especially liked the white soup photo. What kind was that?
    Looks like you've been enjoying good times with friends.


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