Saturday, February 1, 2014


 Ahhhhh yes!  The temperature reached 40 degrees today.

 Karen threw down hay from the loft and stacked jacket needed.

 I continued to work on getting the house back together and just before noon (still in barn clothes with my hair a wreck) Bill (the sculptor whose work is all over our property inside and out) and his wife Bonnie stopped in to pick up some copies of City Newspaper.  Gary picked several up at Java as there was a fabulous, full page article in it regarding his opening that we went to a couple weeks ago.  Invited them to stay for lunch and whipped up some leftover sauce etc.
 When they left Gary finished up the last painting.
 Chores at 5.  It had been raining lightly for a couple of hours.
 Tucked in the girls....

 and got ready to go to the Masquerade music by the Brockport Big Band and a fundraiser for the local Kiwanis Club.

 We were joined by Jenny, Gerri and Scott.

 Dressing in costumes was optional....many people got into it.
 We just wore masks.
So did many others.

Of course Gary was happy to dance with all of us.

This was my mask.

Scott was out there busting a few moves too!

After dancing in 4 inch heels, Jenny and Gerri were ready to hit the road by 10.
A fun night for a good cause.
Home at last.
Night all.


  1. January is always such a Blah month - what a terrific idea for a fundraiser!

    and I must admit, when i saw your title, the first thing that popped into my head was the opening line of Masquerade from Phantom of the Opera LOL I heard it as if it was being SUNG... LOL

  2. What a wonderful night, looks like everyone had great fun, pity the feet were so sore!!! Super masks. Cheers from Jean.

  3. Love the masks! The fund raiser looks like it was great fun.
    Your renewed space looks beautiful - I love freshly painted spaces!

  4. What a fun night! Love the masks.

    Glad the weather warmed up a bit and let's hope it holds for a while.


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