Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Here Comes Another One Just Like The Other One

 Sunrise was almost identical to what we had yesterday and the lake effect snow and sunshine alternated from morning 'til night.

 There were towns not far from here that were slammed with 24 to 30 inches of snow today.  We only got a couple inches.

 Clear again.
 Just Joanne and Tina for class today, and they each brought me a gift!
Jo gave me this beautiful painted egg she brought back from Prague.
 Tina brought me a box to add to my collection in the library.
We had some very lively discussions about the problems in education today.  Did you ever hear of "scripting."  I never heard of it until they enlightened me.  Can you imagine asking a teacher to present from a script with no deviations?  Once again, we are headed for some deep tapioca.  Fortunately more and more people are becoming informed and they are putting the squeeze on the powers that be.

 A local gallery (A Different Path) has invited us to have a show there in April.  I want it to be a retrospective for my students from the past and present, along with a few "friends" who have shown with us several times.  Very excited about this!
 By the time Joanne and Tina left, it had been snowing for over an hour. 

 Then the sun came out again.

 Went out to tuck the girls in around 5:30.  I could not get my camera out fast enough to show you some of Angel's antics.  She thinks it is spring!
 No cooking tonight.  We went for the Perri's Tuesday night special.  A large pizza with cheese and one topping for $8.50.  Made a salad and that was that.
Night all.

It's supposed to be -5 tomorrow morning 
(and that is without the windchill factored in).
What a winter!


  1. Love your gifts. Wonderful friends. So exciting about the show!

    Bet your glad you didn't get the 30 inches that the closer towns got. Geez. Cold here this morning -4 and tomorrow more of the same. Thursday we are slated for 9-10 inches more or less. Ugh! I'm tired of being cold and shoveling snow.

  2. My mom is a retired high school English teacher. She is appalled by much of what goes on in education these days.

    In other news we have not had measurable snowfall in three years but supposedly that is going to change tomorrow. I imagine the grocery store shelves are wiped completely clean at this point!

  3. Scripting...shudder!
    You don't want me to get started about our education system!

  4. Never heard of scripting before either. Things sure have changed since I was in school.

    This winter has been unbelievable. Wonder what Spring will bring for everyone.

  5. Pizza looks great! One of my daughters is wanting to go into teaching. I kind of cringe at the thought of what she may be in for.


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