Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The First Part of the Day

 Back in the deep freeze.  Between 5 and 8 degrees all day and will probably take a plunge tonight.

 Fortunately it was not too windy.

Then, for a short time, the sun appeared.  A nice break for the girls, but it did not last.

Class at 10:30.

At 3 Gary and I went down to the Senior Center to set up for the Brockport Big Band concert being held there tonight.

When we got home it was nearly chore time.

 Tucked the girls in a little early.....

as we had to be back at the Senior Center by 6:30.
Check out the post below for Part 2.
Night all.


  1. Did you get a lot of snow by your way Lorelei? P.S. Love the pic of the windmill

  2. That newest orb banner is a-maz-ing!!

  3. To think that in a matter of a few short weeks (positive perspective) we'll see flowers emerging from the earth.

    Lovely photos.

  4. You are the Orb Master, Lori. :)

  5. I always love seeing photos from you art class


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