Friday, January 10, 2014


Yippppeeeee! Above freezing.

 We removed the sheets (that were over the blankets) this morning as the temperature was headed for the mid 30s.

At 2pm I met a couple of friends at the library to help set up the Duryea Room for an event being held tonight.
The library director was kind enough to help us move tables and he actually vacuumed most of the room.  What a sport.

The Town of Sweden is celebrating (1814-2014) and this is the kickoff for a year long calendar of events.
 All kinds of vintage photographs and documents were on display.

 Took a couple hours off and went out to do chores at 5.

At 6:30 we picked up our friend Sally and went over to Judy's for one delicious dinner.  It's time to get back in our groove.  Next time it will be my turn to cook.  We really enjoy spending time together and I can't count all the times we have broken bread.

Back home and ready to relax.
Looking forward to 50 degrees tomorrow.  Right now it is 40.
Night all.


  1. Is that a lemon meringue pie?! Yumm I haven't made one of those in a long time. Might need to do that this weekend!

  2. Was that really above freezing point? Still looks mighty cold to me. Enjoy a meal out, hope the heat does creep up a little more. Cheers from Jean

  3. I love the pretty horses, I am glad this cold weather has come to end.. Your dinner looks delicious. Have a happy weekend!

  4. Looks like another busy day. The movable feast with friends sounds like a great idea. Everybody takes a turn cooking and visiting with friends is so nice.

  5. We've got more ice headed here today... but temps up to 40? I'll take it and oh a slice of that pie too. hahahaha

  6. Sound like our weather too… looks like a lovely spread. It is such a treat to share a meal with friends.


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