Thursday, January 9, 2014

Change is in the Air....

Karen and I had chore duty this morning.  It was cold but better than it has been, making chores quite a bit easier.
 Too many days have passed without quiet sunshine.
 By 8am the sky colors changed to pinks and purples.

 We all enjoyed the brightness.

 Once again, when I got back in the house, there was a spotlight on the side of the frig highlighting some of the photographs.

 At 1 I was in Brockport playing bridge part two.  On the way home, the color in the sky was still gorgeous.
 Tucked the girls in at 5:15....

and did not make dinner.  Went to the Golden Eagle for a simple supper.
Tomorrow it will be in the 30s.  Let the melting begin.
Night all.


  1. Was almost 30 here today with lots of sunshine. I actually wore my sunglasses! Supposed to rain for the next two days and Saturday be in the 50's, just crazy.

    Your sky pictures are gorgeous as usual.

  2. Thank heavens you're warming up!! I feel so badly for so many people who will probably have to now face broken pipes, flooding and who knows what else? Beautiful sky pics!! We're back to warm, wet and grey.

  3. Did Moon move today? I'm glad you're getting warmer temperatures. They are talking rain here on Saturday. Fingers crossed. This drought stuff is for the birds.

  4. Love your sunrise/sunset photos always! Hope all went well with Moon's move.


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