Friday, December 20, 2013

Random Five Friday

I am a "foodie" and love to cook...maybe a little baking

1.  Can't beat pies made with fresh peaches, apples and rhubarb....all home grown.

2.  I could not live without having salads everyday.
Below is a beet (from our garden), orange, goat cheese and caramelized walnut salad.
 Frequently I use whatever fruit is in the, it was grapes, oranges, bananas and peanuts.

3.  Casseroles are comfort food.
This is cauliflower, carrots, onions and peas in a cheese sauce topped with hard boiled eggs.
 Everyone loves chicken and biscuits.

4.  We make 50-75 bags of sauce from our garden and freeze it.
 It gets used for pizza....
 spags and soups.

5.  Ethnic foods are great.
Shish ke bobs on the grill are a piece of cake.
 Picked up some knockwurst at a German Deli/Restaurant and added homemade German Potato Salad, Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage, Applesauce (from our own organic apple tree) and pumpernickel bread.
 Oh, and I can't forget about potato pancakes.
Are you hungry?

You can check out other Friday Fives by clicking on Nancy's blog (A Rural Journal) in my sidebar.


  1. Hungry? Gosh I'm starving. I thought the pie looked fantastic but then as you scrolled down everything kept looking more and more delicious. I want it all.

  2. Oh yum! Yes, I am hungry now! :)

  3. All totally delicious, the pies my favourites, and veges from the garden, the best. Cheers, Jean.

  4. Everything looks so delicious! Thank you for sharing this beautiful bounty on R5F ... :) Pat

  5. Well Thank you so much Lori I am drooling all over my keyboard not fair I live so very faraway. Enjoy the holidays and all the delicious food that comes with that and all the love surrounding you and your family. HUGS B

  6. OMG! Are you kidding me?! What an unbelievable repast you must have had. everything looked absolutely delicious [and it wasn't just the artful photography].

  7. Well that did it, now I'm hungry. Everything looks so delicious.

  8. Ohhhhhhhhh my gosh. That does it. Gotta cook. Gotta eat. Blame you. xx


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