Friday, December 27, 2013

Ponies, a Puddy Tat and Pasta

Not a whole lot of excitement around here today.

 After chores Lorrie and her family moved a lot of hay over to her new barn.
I had a very quiet afternoon and managed to do a little housework.

When I went out to do chores tonight, I heard a cat running down the stairs from the loft. As I went toward it, it ran back upstairs.  Have suspected that something was going on, as Gucci has been spending time up there on the prowl.  Got out my trusty point and shoot, put on the flash and took a picture of the top of the stairs.  This is what I saw.  Hmmmmmmm.  I wonder how long Sidney has been sharing his food with this visitor.  Looks a lot like Seymour, but he was in the house.

 Tucked the girls in and headed back to the house for a quick shower.

Company.  Jean is here from Missouri so I invited her and her sisters over for dinner.
 delicious crusty bread
and what else????? pasta.

It was great to catch up.  Spent a lot of time talking about gardens.

I sure have been in slow for the past few days.  Need to get the lead out.
Night all.


  1. I'm sure the new cat has chosen you for his new home. I wonder if he is a stray. lost, or just having a rest with you while on his way somewhere. That snow looks exciting enough for me. Cheers to all, Jean.

  2. I'm sure the new visitor will be staying for a while. Who wouldn't want to stay with you.

    After those pasta pictures, I think I'll be cooking that tonight. Looks great, love crusty bread.

  3. See you have more of the white stuff!! brrr...., the horses look cosy warm in their rugs :-)

  4. I do wonder what your blog does for pasta sales. After reading this morning I decided I'd make the same for dinner tonight.

  5. Ah Sidney, what a generous kitty you are. Wrap up warm, Lori and enjoy the holidays. Jo


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