Monday, December 16, 2013

Has This cold Given Me a Cold?

 My camera batteries were dead (or frozen) when I went out to do chores.
 So I grabbed some shots when I got back in the house and put in new ones.

 Gary was out on a job today and had Finn and Coop duty.  I spent the afternoon by the fire after mailing a Christmas package at the local post office.  Boy do I have a cold coming on!
 Starting tomorrow I am going to put Abbe, Berlin, Angel and Maggie back together.

 It looks like poor Moon is going to be in solitary (but with a turnout) so we can keep her from being aggressive, which in turn has gotten her butt kicked twice.  In 32 years I have not had this kind of behavior and it sure puts a kabosh on things.
 Before they got tucked in, there was a little playtime in the outdoor arena.

 Chili, cornbread and a salad for dinner.

 Perfect in this weather.
A shower and the fire are next on the agenda.
Night all.


  1. I still have my stupid cold. I'm going to take a shower and head to bed. That cold weather didn't do either of us any favors.

  2. Sweet! Your kitty looks like a stuffie

  3. Been snowing here all day again. Hope you don't get that cold. Everything looks very peaceful and calm. Maybe Moon has learned her lesson by now and will be a lady soon with the others.

  4. Beautiful snow -- we got some too (tho we were away for family funeral for a week) and I made chili yesterday, too!. . .

  5. Oh Lori you and Annette take care of that cold I do feel one coming on myself. Hope it warms up soon. Love the frosty horse breath. Hug B

  6. Nothing like relaxing by a fire to sooth an oncoming cold.


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